Active ageing community and new health event!
EuropeActive would like to invite you to the final conference of the Erasmus+ funded projects Active Ageing Communities and New Health, which will be held in Brussels (at the THON Hotel) on 6 October, from 09:30 - 16:00.
Join us for a day full of insightful sessions on the role of physical activity in healthy living and active ageing. In the morning, you can look forward to learning more about the role and education standards of “Healthy Lifestyle promoters”, and how these newly trained professionals can improve physical activity, healthy eating, mental well-being and a healthy lifestyle among their target groups. The afternoon keynote speakers will present the Active Ageing Programme and how it contributes to the promotion of healthy lifestyles and social inclusion among older adults, linking it to other initiatives in the broader policy context of an Ageing Europe.
To register:
As the number of seats is limited, please register as soon as possible.
Apoyado por el programa Erasmus+ de la Unión Europea.
New Health 2022 proyecto
Número de solicitud del proyecto: 613045-EPP-1-2019-1-NL-SPO-SCP
HLNE (Healthy Lifestyle Network Europe) 2024/26 proyecto
Número de solicitud del proyecto: 101133533 - HLNE - ERASMUS-SPORT-2023-SCP