Dutch training provider to deliver Healthy Lifestyle Promoter qualification

August 29, 2022

The training provider EFAA based in the Netherlands has recently been accredited to deliver against the EuropeActive Healthy Lifestyle Promoter Lifelong Learning Standard. As the national coordinator of the NASM PT course in the Netherlands, EFAA has been accredited by EuropeActive to deliver its Personal Trainer course against the EuropeActive L4 Personal Trainer Occupational Standard for many years. EFAA Founder and Director, John van Heel explained the decision to extend their training provision to include the Healthy Lifestyle Promoter course saying,

‘The proportion of physically inactive citizens in the EU remains unacceptably high. 46% of EU citizens do not exercise or play sport at all. Many Europeans eat unhealthily and suffer chronically from stress. To work toward a solution, more attention should be put into spreading the knowledge and understanding of what a healthier life represents. Therefore, it is necessary to implement an appropriate qualification for healthy lifestyle promotion for fitness professionals.’

The Fitness industry as the Healthy Lifestyle promotors of society!

The EuropeActive Professional Standards Committee developed the ‘Healthy Lifestyle Promoter’ Standard as part of the Erasmus plus project 'New Health Programme' www.new-health.eu. The main job purpose of the ‘Healthy Lifestyle Promoter’ is to inform individuals or communities on healthy lifestyle, using available tools and educational materials. He/she does not deliver or prescribe exercise or healthy lifestyle interventions. They only signposts people to evidence-based recommendations and credible sources of information related to healthy lifestyle.

Information about the Healthy Lifestyle Promotor course: https://www.efaa.nl/voeding-health-en-lifestyle-opleidingen/leefstijl-en-preventie-coach-basis-opleiding

Free to use Healthy Lifestyle series and Lifestyle Scan!

The 'New Health Programme' supports Healthy Lifestyle Promoters by providing consumers, volunteers and professionals from physical activity and lifestyle organizations, with easily accessible and understandable knowledge and tools. These include a ‘Lifestyle Scan’, to promote physical activity, healthy eating, mental fitness and a healthy lifestyle and, New Health e-learning educational materials https://new-health.eu/en/videos. In this way, it is hoped that the recommendations on a healthy mindset, exercise and eating will be known and applied in neighbourhoods throughout Europe. Because of the support of the European Union, this material is available for course providers, clubs, professionals and consumers for free!

More active healthy lifestyles across Europe!

The Healthy Lifestyle Promoter Standard and support materials provided by New Health offer training providers the perfect opportunity to support the move toward more active healthy lifestyles across Europe. The course is highly relevant for exercise professionals but also those working in allied health professions, community workers, volunteers or just consumers wishing to improve their own knowledge and to encourage others to adopt healthier lifestyles. In this way, the Healthy Lifestyle Promoter course allows training providers to reach out to new markets and to genuinely impact on the health and well-being of the communities they serve.

New Health material also available for training providers!

EuropeActive strongly encourages training providers to apply for accreditation against the Healthy Lifestyle Promoter Standard, to fully exploit the resources and tools provided by the New Health team and to play an active role in providing preventative lifestyle-based solutions to the on-going public health crisis. A summary of the Healthy Lifestyle Promoter Lifelong Learning Standard can be found here EuropeActive_Summary_Healthy-Lifestyle-Promoter-2021_0.pdf (europeactive-standards.eu) and the full Standard is available on application for accreditation.

Active Ageing Communities and New Health

To find out more about the New Health Programme and the Healthy Lifestyle Promoter role

EuropeActive and New Health would like to invite training providers, exercise professionals and other stakeholders to the final conference of the Erasmus+ funded projects Active Ageing Communities and New Health, which will be held in Brussels (at the THON Hotel) on 6 October, from 09:30 - 16:00.

Join the Healthy Lifestyle, Healthy Ageing movement Europe!

Join us for a day full of insightful sessions on the role of physical activity in healthy living and active ageing. In the morning, you can look forward to learning more about the role and education standards of “Healthy Lifestyle promoters”, and how these newly trained professionals can improve physical activity, healthy eating, mental well-being and a healthy lifestyle among their target groups. The afternoon keynote speakers will present the Active Ageing Programme and how it contributes to the promotion of healthy lifestyles and social inclusion among older adults, linking it to other initiatives in the broader policy context of an Ageing Europe.


Erasmus+ logoSupported by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union.

New Health 2022 project
Project Application nr. : 613045-EPP-1-2019-1-NL-SPO-SCP

HLNE (Healthy Lifestyle Network Europe) 2024/26 project
Project Application nr. : 101133533 - HLNE - ERASMUS-SPORT-2023-SCP

New Health Foundation

Houtstraat 14
6001 SJ Weert (Netherlands)

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