9 out of 10 Europeans suffer from what the WHO calls a lack of Health- and Physical literacy, in other words, they have insufficient knowledge and skills to lead a healthy lifestyle and make healthy choices. In the past 70 years, the availability of unhealthy food has increased exorbitantly and we have become extremely sedentary. Adding to that the fact that the population is getting older and older, making healthier living increasingly important, that there is an overweight and obesity epidemic and that we humans have strongly conditioned that unhealthy, unlearned behaviour, resulting in a frightening perspective for the future and the growing youth.
The RIVM in the Netherlands has calculated that, despite all intended interventions by governments, overweight will continue to grow to 62% in 2040, which could well be brought forward to 2030 due to the COVID-19 period. This convergence of elements, as a result of which several countries could go bankrupt around 2050 due to the unpaid health care costs.
The solution, of course, lies in a variety of aspects, such as a healthy environment, healthy lifestyle education in schools, seeing exercise and sports as essential for the prevention of diseases, legislation for the daily application of exercise in schools and perhaps also within companies. and stimulation, education and, where necessary, lifestyle coaching in the neighbourhood, based in the own living environment. That is where the Healthy Lifestyle promotor can play a huge role!
To stimulate, educate and coach, that's where care-, sport-, education- and lifestyle professionals and volunteers come into play. How good would it be if, that people get to know the essential insights of a healthy lifestyle and, if necessary, prevention advice. Everyone who is working with children, adults or older adults can play a huge role in the lifestyle of people and transform lives.
The time is right and it is urgent now, to build an European network of Healthy Lifestyle Promoters, as an extension of the WHO and the official diet and exercise guidelines? You, as a Healthy Lifestyle Promoter can help reverse the trend of overweight and diabetes and you may be a crucial link in this change of trend to a healthier future!
Sign in for free for a pro account, do the lifestyle scan yourself, get access to the pro toolbox en walk true the healthy lifestyle documentary series of exercise as medicine, food as medicine and the brain as medicine. Become one of Europe’s first Healthy Lifestyle promotors and let’s build this healthier future.
New Health Foundation
Houtstraat 14
6001 SJ Weert (Netherlands)