Healthy Lifestyle promotors Europe
We pledge to promote the New Health program, Healthy Lifestyle Promotors Europe. The aim is to provide easily available and understandable information about healthy lifestyles to;
- sports, healthcare and lifestyle professionals
- volunteers
- organisations
- consumers
Educational standards and healthy lifestyle video courses
The Healthy Lifestyle Promotor course is provided in seven languages. It teaches knowledge and provides tools to improve physical activity, healthy eating, mental fitness and a healthy lifestyle.
Together with Europe Active, we have developed educational standards for;
- Healthy Lifestyle promotor (EQF2), a free consumer lifestyle platform
- Healthy Lifestyle Promotor mini video course for professionals and consumers
We also pledge to conduct research on the role and impact Healthy Lifestyle Promotors have on behavioral change in the target groups.
Healthy Lifestyle Promotors
We will create and support a European network of Healthy Lifestyle promotors. The Healthy Lifestyle promoter may be a sports professional, healthcare professional, a teacher, but also a community worker, member of a sporting organization or volunteer.
New Health provides them with motivation and knowledge about healthy eating, sports and the risks of unhealthy living.
Soutenu par le programme Erasmus+ de l'Union européenne.
New Health 2022 projet
Numéro de demande de projet : 613045-EPP-1-2019-1-NL-SPO-SCP
HLNE (Healthy Lifestyle Network Europe) 2024/26 projet
Numéro de demande de projet : 101133533 - HLNE - ERASMUS-SPORT-2023-SCP