HLNE (Healthy Lifestyle Network Europe) 2024/26

Health is, according to the EU commission, an important priority for Europeans, who expect and hope to have a long and healthy life, to be protected against illnesses. The European Commission has a mandate to complement national actions on health by proposing legislation, providing financial support and promoting healthy lifestyles. But chronic diseases and specially weight problems and obesity are increasing at a rapid rate in most of the EU Member States, with estimates of 52.7 % of the adult (aged 18 and over) EU’s population overweight in 2019. Obesity is a serious public health problem as it significantly increases the risk of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, type-2 diabetes, hypertension, coronary heart diseases and certain cancers.

Overweight population BMI >=25

Who is teaching the EU citizens?

Our lifestyle play a critical role in the prevention of diseases and overweight and to ensure a healthy lifestyle, WHO recommends eating more healthy and living mor actively. The big challenge is, who is teaching the EU citizens and professionals about the essential insights of a healthy lifestyle and who helps them break through unhealthy learned lifestyle patterns?

Improving healthy lifestyle!

The main aim of HLNE (Healthy Lifestyle Network Europe) is to improve the healthy lifestyle of people throughout Europe and to educate professionals to become Healthy Lifestyle promotor. HLNE contributes to the quality of life and health of the European citizens, inclusion, the battle against overweight and obesity and inactivity.

There is enormous scientific evidence that the primary causes of diabetes, overweight and obesity are our eating and exercise habits. More than 50% of the EU population lacks 'health literacy', health skills and knowledge to be able to take good care of their own health and make healthy choices, it is time to provide people with health inequalities with adequate knowledge and support!

Professionals as the EU healthy lifestyle network!

A broad and qualified network of Healthy lifestyle professionals is desired. HLNE want to reach consumers and families all over Europe by training hundreds of Healthy Lifestyle Promotors, provide in a easy to obtain but necessary healthy lifestyle knowledge update for all professionals within healthcare, sports, fitness and education. Additionally, within the HLNE and together with partners from Portugal, Spain, Slovakia, Serbia, Lithuania, Austria, Belgium and the Netherlands, a new course 'Healthy Lifestyle Coach' will be developed (in 9 languages) for those professionals who not only want to signpost about a healthy lifestyle, but want to help people to make the healthy change.

Each of the 1000 Healthy Lifestyle Promoters, that will be educated in the partner countries, in this HLNE project in the upcoming three years (2024-2026) will have the complete Healthy Lifestyle data and E-tools at their disposal, to put this in their own social network and invite 50 people. But the program, that is already used in the New Health 2022 project is available to all EU citizens and professionals.

Everyone can sign up as participant, professional or company and already use the Lifestyle scan. https://new-health.eu/en/register.

For professionals, who already want to sing in for the Healthy Lifestyle promotor course, please mail to info@new-health.eu.

Project coordinator, partners and expert panel

Project coordinator

Full partners

Expert panel

  • Luis Calmeiro, Abertay University, Portugal
  • Nikola Todorovićm University of Novi Sad, Serbia
  • Laszlo Zopcsak, IWI Fitness Welness Education Center, Hungary
  • Jan Evenepoel, Personal Coach, Belgium
  • Bora Avric, Movisie, The Netherland
  • Annemarie van Duivenbode, NL Actief, The Netherlands
  • Julian Berriman, EuropeActive, Belgium
  • Jose Vidal: Sector Fitness European Academy, Spain
  • Mgr. Matúš Putala, PhD, Comenius University, Slovakia

This program is supported by the Erasmus+ programma of the European Union.

Project information: https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus


The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


New Health Foundation
Houtstraat 14
6001 SJ Weert (Netherlands)
+31 (0)495-533229
