New Health 2022


The proportion of physical inactivity of citizens in the EU remains unacceptably high. 42% of EU citizens do not exercise or play sport at all (2017). This might indicate that the message about the importance of sport and physical activity for an individual's health and wellbeing has still not got through to significant segments of the EU population. More and more Europeans eat unhealthy and suffer chronically from stress. In the past 50 to 70 years, generations of us did not learn about the health & prevention guidelines, that research is giving us now, so it’s time for a knowledge update. Not only for the consumer, but specially for professionals who work with consumers, is healthcare, sports and lifestyle.

European Lifestyle as medicine academy

The aim of the New Health Program 'Healthy Lifestyle promotor' is to provide sports- and lifestyle organizations, professionals, volunteers and consumers with easy to obtain and to understand knowledge and tools to improve physical activity, healthy eating, mental fitness and a healthy lifestyle. We will develop a free consumer lifestyle platform and Healthy Lifestyle promotor Course and e-learning. We will also conduct research on the role and impact Healthy Lifestyle promotor have on behavioral change of the target groups.

We use the international guidelines for healthy living from the WHO and the latest research on Lifestyle medicine and will translate this information to a healthy living easy to use e-learning and knowledge center. The Healthy Lifestyle promotor can be a sports professional, healthcare professional, teacher, but also a community worker, member of a sport organization or volunteer. New Health provides them with motivation and knowledge about healthy eating, sports, the risks of unhealthy living and the use of doping. We will create and support an European network of Healthy Lifestyle promotors. This way we want it is ensured that the knowledge of WHO and the Health Council about healthy exercise and healthy food, but also the knowledge about Positive health and behavioral change, is known and applied in neighborhoods throughout Europe.

Project coordinator, partners and expert panel

Project coordinator

Full partners

Expert panel

This program is supported by the Erasmus+ programma of the European Union.

Project information:


The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


New Health Foundation
Houtstraat 14
6001 SJ Weert (Netherlands)
+31 (0)495-533229